lunes, 9 de mayo de 2022



Students will start the lesson by doing a "See, Think, Wonder" routine. For this, I will show them the following picture:

And they will answer orally the following questions:
- What do you see? - What do you think it happened? - What do you wonder? Three of the stronger students will write down the answers on the blackboard. After this warm-up activity, we will work with the following Mini Page (click on the image below):

They will read it in groups of four (mixed ability groups) and they will try to understand the information and the most important words. I will explain them all the information about "St. Patrick´s Day", its cultural background, Ireland as a country, the tradition and the vocabulary related to the topic. For the stronger students, they can check the following links provided on the Mini page in order to get more information about the topic as an open ended activity:

Finally, they will find the words on the puzzle in order to revise the vocabulary and they will write a short essay giving the important facts of the tradition.

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