lunes, 18 de abril de 2022


 This classroom activity is aimed for students 2ESO – Subject : Geography – Topic : EUROPE,

it’s based on using authentic materials.

We’re using a amazing book ‘ WHAT’S WHERE ON EARTH ATLAS’

Through searching and reading of different sections we’ll get to support learning of EUROPE
Giving students a motivation from which to understand the new information that will be introduced during the coming lesson. Chased goals : - Offer a motivational context to enhanced student curiosity - Ask questions while reading - Facilitate student engagement and participation Structure of the classroom activity, with leaning of book ‘ WHAT’S WHERE ON EARTH ATLAS’ ISBN: 978-0-2412-2837-1. We split the class in 4 groups:
- group 1) Landscape - group 2) Population - group 3) Famous Landmarks - group 4) Wildlife Each group have to answer 5 questions, which answer must find it reading the part of the book about the ask. To would carry out the activity taking into account the diversity of our students, we’re going to work in three times:
- at the beginning: teacher writes on the backboard 5 words (English/Spanish) about topic of the group and tells a brief of theme - at the middle: each group reads part of the book and ask questions about the text, then they write the answers the questions - at the end: each person of the group has to explain to rest of the class, one question and its answer.
This activity is very complete and can be worked for several sessions it depends on number of groups, questions and the main topic.

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